The most comfortable shoes I’ve ever put on my feet! Tieks are the answer for cute shoes to wear everyday. I wear them with everything and my feet never hurt.
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I have a new favorite thing that I have to share with you. It all started earlier this year when I was gifted a $100 gift card to Tieks at a blogger conference. I won’t lie these shoes cost a pretty penny, but then again you get what you pay for, right? So the gift card was really a discount code to get a little more than half off of a pair of Tieks. I figured I might as well try them out, Oprah loves them so they are probably great. I ordered a pretty kelly green pair and when they came in the mail I was impressed right from the start. So when fall rolled around I knew I needed a more fall color and although my logical brain wanted to get black or camel or something more neutral I just had to go for the red, and I love them. I’m thinking for Valentines day I’ll get a metallic, we’ll have to see how much he loves me. 🙂
As you can see the packaging is adorable, I mean that aqua box and the pretty silk flower! Open it up and you’ve got the most interesting display of shoes you’ve ever seen, they are folded. Yeah because these babies are so flexible they can be folded in half and stored in their cute little bag they come with. So you open up the the nice little box and pull out the shoes and think, huh I wonder if they will be as comfortable as they say they are. And then you put them on and all your skepticism goes out the window.

They slip on your feet like butter, or something soft and luxurious and you think “this won’t last, you’re teasing me, you’re going to rub a big fat blister somewhere and then I’ll be so mad I dropped so much money on you” but guess what, they are just as good as they feel the first time 20 wears later. I’m totally not exaggerating.

Comfort in shoes is pretty important right? When I was in high school I loved high heels and use to quote to myself, friends and family to “never sacrifice fashion for comfort” HA! oh how I have changed. I rarely wear a pair of heels anymore and if I do its for short periods of time. I’m not a fan of blisters or foot pain or rubbed raw ankles, no thanks. Before Tieks I had never met a pair of ballet flats that didn’t rub my feet wrong in someplace or another, especially if they had elastic edges.

Lets talk about my two beefs with ballet flats.
First, they make my feet sweat and from what I understand its because of the material that different shoes are made out of. Because Tieks are made out of leather, every piece of them made of leather, my feet don’t sweat! Its amazing.
Second, ballet flats always rub my feet raw in someplace or another. With some its on the top by my toes, with others its the back of the ankle, it doesn’t really matter the moral of the story is that I’ve never met a ballet flat that doesn’t rub a blister on my feet until Tieks. To put them to the ultimate test I wore them all day long at Disneyland, and you know you walk like 8 miles (literally we fitbit calculated it) and guess what my feet were blister free. Adorable shoes that you can walk in all day long?! Its like a wish from a very large blue genie was granted. 🙂

Seriously these shoes are life changing, like I want to wear them everyday all day and have them in every color. Good thing they make them basically in every color of the rainbow. Lets talk about the look- I love how versatile a ballet flat is, you can literally wear them with almost anything. Jeans and a cardigan, adorable. Skirt and top, perfect. Dress, yup you guessed it, darling! The only thing I’ve decided they don’t look great with is sweats.

So lets review: these shoes are the most comfortable shoes you’ll ever put on, they look adorable with everything and they come in a million colors, see why they are totally one of my very favorite things?