What keeps you from doing what you want and need to do? For me its probably more laziness than anything else. Some days (okay most days) I just don’t want to go to the gym, or a nap sounds a lot nicer than finishing up a project that needs to get done. Sometimes something bigger is holding us back- like fear. I’ve been putting off a goal that I made last year (starting a youtube channel) because of so many reasons, but really its just something I need to get get up and do. I love this quote because it reminds me that I should be more afraid of not trying, not even giving my ideas or goals a chance to work. Its still early in in January so even if you didn’t do much with the resolutions you had in your head yet today is the day, right them down! Put them somewhere you’ll see them and remember that not trying is really the real failure. I’ve made this quote super easy for you to use- you can download it as a desktop wallpaper, an iphone wallpaper or print it out on a 8×10 and stick it on your fridge. Lets do this!
What have you been putting off? I’d love to hear in the comments so we can encourage each other!